The new upgPay contactless payment service is now available at gas stations of the chain
We value your time and constantly improve our service to make refueling at UPG even more convenient, faster, and more comfortable.
From now on, our customers can pay for the fuel without contacting the operator at the cash desk, but on spot at the fuel dispenser, using just a smartphone. The new convenient upgPay service is available at 43 gas stations of the chain.
Filling your fuel tank with European fuel will now take a few minutes! The algorithm of actions is simple. Insert and secure the fuel gun in the tank, find the upgPay sticker placed on the fuel dispenser, and scan the QR code. Then follow the instructions in the app. Pay with a bank card or via UPGgood “Skryn’ka” service.
“The service allows the customers to choose the amount of fuel they need and a convenient instant payment method. They do not spend any extra minute at a gas station and soon hurry for their objectives. The time they save can always be spent with those who are waiting at home. We are for the quality and convenience in everything, so we are constantly working on improving our service by integrating modern consumer solutions,” says the company’s marketing director, Nadiya Hanulich-Manukyan.
It is worth mentioning that the UPG mobile application is available in the App Store and Play Market . Join the UPGgood bonus program because it gives additional benefits and opportunities.